

    KV CRPF, Bangrasia is situated in the city of Lakes, Bhopal (M.P.) 30 minutes away from railway station. It was established in the year 2010. It comes under Ministry of Human Resource and Development Govt. Of India. It is affiliated to CBSE. At present, it runs in a temporary building of the CRPF in a safe environment, but Patriotic fervor is likely to be shifted to its own land soon.

    The school has I to X classes, around 365 children and 16 permanent faculty members. The vidyalaya has its own Language lab, ATAL Tinkering Lab, Computer Room, Library and CMP Room. The vidyalaya is stepping forward by opening XI Class with Humanity Branch from Academic Session 2024-45. At present, the school has single section. It will be a double section as soon as it shifts to its new building.